AAGS offers affordable professional grading and archival services that enhance your audiophile vinyl record collection. AAGS is a vinyl record grading and archiving organization that not only deep cleans and grades vinyl records, but they provide restoration and hi-res audio backups with each album and certification that is like no other.
Read MoreKarl Belkner
HIGH END 2019 Munich Show Report
The HIGH END in Munich is the leading trade fair for high-quality audio equipment. Like every year it is a crowd-puller and attracts visitors from all over the world. We looked around for you and were amazed at the many exciting new developments and world premieres. But see for yourself …
Read MoreWorkshop with Frank Tchang (Acoustic System)
Franck Tchang is a specialist for audio resonances and the owner of the company ACOUSTIC SYSTEM. In this video he shows how his products are working.
Read MoreSTACORE – Vibration Control Products
STACORE is a manufacturer of an component base working with air. Get more Details in the video.
Read MoreHIGH END® 2017 in Munich
Some pictures without comment from the great audiophile exhibition in Munich/Germany. See and enjoy it …
Read MoreThe Gryphon Demo Show
There was a great Demo Show of the Brand “The Gryphon” at the HIGH END exhibition in Munich.
Read MoreCD – Sound Improvement With A Three-Cornered File
It was in 1998 when the specialised press reported interesting CD tuning possiblities. According to such, you just needed to adjust the CD edge to a certain angle in order to considerably improve it´s sound performance. Ultimately we still use methods from back then, in order to ensure that readings taken from a CD´s digital audio information fundamentally transfer without interfence. However, this theory has a fault: if the CD player´s laser beam scans the CD´s digital pits, stray light occurs which then refelcts on to the outer and inner…
Read MoreAQ-Switch-8 By AQVOX
Audiophile Data Distributor Finally the days are over in which our domestic sound systems and computer networks live humbly apart from each other. Nowadays, audiophile communities increasingly enjoy high bit files which can conveniently be downloaded from the internet. It goes without saying that digital music signals have to be channelled through network components. To date, computer components were hardly ever regarded as favourable from an audio perspective. That raises the question if or indeed how these components can have an impact on sound.
Read MoreThe Audiophile Network
Ideal Surroundings for your Digital Audio Data Until just a few years ago, planning, installation and start-up was only reserved to the experts. But thanks to various technologies like, for example, UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), the connection of network devices has become considerably easier. If, however, you intend to send digital audio data through its own network with zero-loss, it´s worth bearing a couple of things in mind. Common Audio Device Connection using Wi-Fi It´s actually quite easy: You simply connect your digital audio device using Wi-Fi with…
Read MoreThe Stereo Stage
Unfortunately, physics doesn´t allow for a zero-loss transfer of recorded music signals. Weak sound signals reach the listener somewhat mitigated, if at all. The better the sound system, the less these weak signals dwindle. And you can hear that. Imagine hearing a “sound stage” – a kind of virtual sound arena, if you like. Good Stage: Using an ideally aligned premium sound system, the range of a sound arena is considerably expanded. The travel of sound occurs not only between the speakers but also as far as the side-walls.…
Read MoreThe Year 2017 Is Started
Now the new year has started. What will 2017 bring to us? Will we get new experience in hearing new songs with a new audio equipment? Perhaps we will get new views by hearing with our old audio system. Maybe we can optimize our equipment to sound much better. Where we will get the information to do this? Look at this platform. Month by month you will get more information about audio tuning.
Read MoreWhat We Want
We want to help you by tuning your audio system. It should sounds like music and not like technique. Its not possible to hear a good sound without inspecting the listening room, the power conditions, the installation location and many other things. We will talking about this in the next months. Please visit us periodically to get more information.
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